Saturday, September 28, 2013

Week by Week: Week 40

Week 40! Ready for a swim on our due date (9.22)

Gonzalito is the size of a pumpkin

Week 40 was a very exciting week. The information below applies to the first 3 days of week 40. And then... our pregnancy finished, as our son was born! But that is for another post :)  During week 40, I worked from home, which was fantastic. It was so much more comfortable, plus I didn't have to take the train or get up quite as early. So, Week 40 was short, but sweet, with the sweetest ending of all!

How Far Along?  40 weeks!

Maternity Clothes? Yep!

Stretch Marks? Nope! 
Sleep? Very good! The nesting instinct was hitting me big time, but Julian did a great job of reminding me to sleep as much as possible. 
Best Moment of the Week? Celebrating our due date with one last pregnant swim.

Movement? Yes, lots of little nudges with his little feet.
What I miss? It is getting more uncomfortable, so I guess I just miss being able to move around easily.

Symptoms: Same as before, but now just a bit more uncomfortable. He is dropping lower and lower.

What I’m looking forward to? Baby's arrival! We are ready! 
Milestones: Baby G is the size of a pumpkin

Emotions: Excited and nervous- it's getting real!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Week by Week: Week 39

Gonzalito is the size of a mini-watermelon

We are so close to the end! I think we're ready- we keep finding new and different things to organize. Julian is nesting right along with me :) This was my last week to go into work. From now on, I will be working from home until Baby comes. I am very relieved, because it's so much more comfortable to work from home, and I don't have to take the train for an hour each way to get to work, which just makes everything a lot easier. Plus, none of my coworkers will be afraid of me going into labor near them anymore! Altogether, week 39 was relaxing... Baby is dropping more and more, but I am still able to sleep very well, and even slept for more than 11 hours the other night! 

How Far Along?  39 weeks!

Maternity Clothes? Of course, and wearing my new ones each day.

Stretch Marks? Nope! 
Sleep? Very good! We are taking advantage of our opportunities to sleep for long periods of time while we still can. 
Best Moment of the Week? Lots of sweet time with Julian, reminiscing about our history together, and looking forward to our future.

Movement? Yes, but smaller movements than before. He is running out of space. 
What I miss? Nothing specific. It's going to be strange to not have such a big belly soon (although I'll definitely still have "mummy tummy" for some time).

Symptoms: Everything is continuing.. the numb skin sensation is spreading a bit to a larger area. Also, I had bright red spots on my palms for a couple of days (like bright little polka dots), but not every day.

What I’m looking forward to? Baby's arrival! We are ready! 
Milestones: Baby G is the size of a mini-watermelon

Emotions: Excited!

We're ready for you, Baby G!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Week by Week: Week 38

Gonzalito is the length of a leek

Our 38th week was filled with rest, preparation, organization, and fun! I have been trying to be very productive at work, but also take it easy and really focus on planning for maternity leave. That means going into classrooms less, and playing with kids less, but it has been good to try and just document the things that need to happen when I am out. It has also meant coming home at a more decent time, and even working from home a bit! We are physically set up for baby's arrival- we organized his little room, and Julian installed our new car seat (thanks, Mom and Dad!) in our car. We are feeling more and more ready! At the end of the week, we went a friend's daughter's birthday party at a beautiful park, and enjoyed relaxing in the sun on the lake. We went paddle boating. We are trying to rest, but also to take advantage of the beautiful weather and our last moments as "just the two of us."


*on the lake*

How Far Along?  38 weeks!

Maternity Clothes? Yes! We got some new ones thanks to freecycle, so I'm going to take advantage and wear something new every day until baby comes :)

Stretch Marks? Nope! 
Sleep? Very good! It's hard to turn in the middle of the night though.
Best Moment of the Week? Hearing Baby's heartbeat at our appointment, and organizing Baby's things with Julian.

Movement? Yep. He is running out of room!
What I miss? Nothing.

Symptoms: Still the numb stomach skin... the midwife said it is most likely from the skin being stretched, and not from the baby leaning on anything, which means that it will stay numb until Baby comes out!

What I’m looking forward to? Baby coming! Although he can take his time :) We know he'll come when he's ready!
Milestones: Baby G is the length of a leek

Emotions: Feeling more and more ready!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Week by Week: Week 37

Gonzalito is the size of a bunch of swiss chard

We started off our 37th week with a maternity photo shoot from our friend, Mein. He is a fantastic photographer, and he brought all of his equipment to our house. We had a wonderful time taking pictures and documenting this very special time in our lives. We also had our weekly checkup, where we found out that my blood work looked good, and that I was GBS negative (woohoo! an answer to prayer!). Very very very good news, meaning that I don't have to be hooked up to an IV for antibiotics during labor.

At the end of the 37 weeks, we were blessed with a baby shower from church friends. It was a wonderful afternoon, filled with chatting, laughter, and cute baby gifts. At the end, they all prayed for us, which was just beautiful. So thankful for these women!

How Far Along?  37 weeks!

Maternity Clothes? Yes!

Stretch Marks? Nope! 
Sleep? Very good, still. I am feeling very fortunate that I have been able to get good sleep throughout the pregnancy. 
Best Moment of the Week? Well, the maternity shoot was really fun, and seeing the pictures was even better. The baby shower was another highlight, as was learning that we are GBS negative at our midwife appointment. So many wonderful moments this past week!

Movement? Yes! Some days he likes to push against my ribs, which can be a bit painful, but mainly the movements are just fun and nice. I like to think of Gonzalito as my sleeping troll. He sleeps under the mountain, but sometimes he wakes up and makes a little earthquake :)
What I miss? Nothing!

Symptoms: The new symptom for this week is that on the top right side of my stomach, it feels like the skin is falling asleep. It is very strange and has only been happening for a few days, but from what I read it seems like this is common, and a result of where baby is laying inside- he is cutting off the blood supply to that area. It is a strange sensation!
What I’m looking forward to? Another positive midwife visit. At our last visit, the fundal height hadn't grown, so I'm hoping it will have grown this week. 
Milestones: Baby G is the size of a bunch of swiss chard (I don't really get it, but that's what the Baby Center comparison says!)

Emotions: Feeling less overwhelmed with preparation than before, and more excited for Baby's impending arrival.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Week by Week: Week 36

Gonzalito is the size of a head of romaine lettuce

36 weeks! This week we had one of our big midwife appointments. I had blood drawn, and a GBS test- if I am positive for GBS bacteria (25% of women are), I will have to have antibiotics through an iv during labor. I am praying for a negative result! I was also checked to see how baby is doing, in terms of being ready for labor. It looks like he is head down (although the midwife couldn't quite grab his head to confirm), and is starting to drop. We also had a home visit from our birth assistant, who reviewed all of our home birth materials and organized them. She walked us through the whole process, and a lot of paperwork, so we are feeling more ready! 

At the end of 36 weeks, we went out on a date to the jazz concert in the art sculpture garden. We are trying to enjoy as much special time together as possible before our little boy comes. It will be much harder to go out on spontaneous dates after a few weeks from now! :)

On our date at the national mall

How Far Along?  36 weeks!

Maternity Clothes? Yep.

Stretch Marks? Nope! 
Sleep? Still very good. I had a reality check this week when I realized that this sleep, when I get up now 1-2x a night, is going to be much more than I will get for the unforseen future... trying to enjoy as much sleep and rest as I can, while still getting things ready!
Best Moment of the Week? It is always fun to hear Baby's heartbeat at our midwife appointments. He is moving a lot, and kicked the midwife as she used the doppler to listen to his heart! Meeting with our birth assistant was very encouraging as well.

Movement? Yes! I started kick counts this week, too, so I am trying to pay special attention to all of his wiggles. 
What I miss? Nothing, really. At the jazz concert, we danced to one slow jazz song. It was wonderful, but tiring! I wished we could have danced more, but it was still nice to listen to the music, and even dance to one song while 9 months pregnant.

Symptoms: Same as before, with maybe more heartburn than before. Hopefully that will decrease as baby keeps dropping. 
What I’m looking forward to? The results from our last midwife appointment, and being in the "full-term" zone!
Milestones: Baby G is the size of a head of romaine lettuce :)

Emotions: Feeling good, and more ready than before.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Week by Week: Week 35

Gonzalito is the size of a honeydew melon  

35 weeks! This week has gone by pretty quickly, and has been spent preparing for the birth! Even though we (most likely) have several weeks left, we need to get things ready just in case our little Gonzalito decides he is done cooking. At work, that has meant starting the school year with a balance of meeting new students and supporting teachers in classrooms, along with time at my desk documenting and planning for when I'll be out in the fall. At home, that has meant organizing and buying all of the materials that we need for the home birth. We have a home visit scheduled from our birth assistant during week 36, and she will check to make we have everything that we need, so that Gonzalito can come whenever he is ready, and we'll be ready. Although it's great to feel prepared (at least, with the supplies), it is a little stressful to be prepping everything at once! Luckily Julián has been wonderfully supporting of my stress :) 

How Far Along?  35 weeks!

Maternity Clothes? Definitely.

Stretch Marks? Still no! Belly is pretty tight though. 
Sleep? Very good, with vivid dreams. This last week, I dreamt that I had the baby (who had very long legs, most likely because he has been kicking my ribs recently- he's running out of room!), and a horrible dream in which a flying, venomous snake attacked Julian, and I had to carry him to safety with the snake following us. It was not a good dream :(
Best Moment of the Week? Hmmm.. Lots of little moments! Gonzalito's kicking has been fun and wonderful, other than the rib kicking. Getting things ready has been nice, too, as it's becoming much more real. Also folding the freshly washed baby socks and onesies is very fun! I'm sure a moment will come when the laundry is less fun, but for now it is wonderful. 
Movement? Yes!

What I miss? Nothing major- I was bummed when I couldn't play an active game (Kan Jam) at a BBQ this past weekend, and had to just sit and cheer people on. But it's a small sacrifice.

Symptoms: Same as before, but with more back and side pain than before. Baby is running out of room, and getting up under my ribs. If I stretch out to one side, it helps a bit usually, so standing up or laying down is more comfortable than sitting, at times.
What I’m looking forward to? A healthy 36 week visit, and a positive home visit from our birth assistant.
Milestones: Baby G is the size of a honeydew :)

Emotions: Feeling anxious and excited to meet our little one.

Check out my bump:

Seriously, check it out! 

Woah- that baby belly is BIG (and cozy, I think)

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Week by Week: Week 34

Gonzalito is the size of a cantaloupe  

This week has been a big one. We had a midwife appointment- Gonzalito is still doing well, and is growing nicely.  I measured 2 cm short again, but that is within the "normal" limits, so they said not to worry about it. We were reminded of all of the things that we need to prepare and have ready for our 36 week home visit from our birth assistant. So we did some ordering, and still have more supplies to purchase for the home birth preparations! It's crazy to think that we need to be ready to go in just a couple of weeks. Where did the time go??

Also this week, we were very blessed by two baby showers. One was a surprise at work, and the other was thrown for us by mom. Both were wonderful celebrations of our little one, with great friends and family around us. I am so thankful for the graciousness of others in preparing the showers and hosting us!  

Boy oh boy! With the grand master of baby showers, Mimi!

With good friend, JaRonda

With the other ladies at the shower: mom/Mimi, Janett, me, and Zara!

With our lovely host, Asa

The favors from the baby shower at work: it was themed from the book If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, and If You Give a Moose a Muffin. Naturally, we ate cookies and muffins! hehe

How Far Along?  34 weeks!

Maternity Clothes? Definitely.

Stretch Marks? No
Sleep? Still very good, which is such a blessing!
Best Moment of the Week? Baby Showers! My coworkers threw us a surprise baby shower on Friday (with an "If you give a mouse a cookie" theme) which was such a fun and lovely surprise. Then on Saturday, mom threw us a baby shower for some good friends. It was great to see everyone, and made us feel that much more prepared for Gonzalito's arrival! 
Movement? Yes, every day!

What I miss? Nothing.

Symptoms: Same as before- this last week my back was more sore than usual. A combination of working longer hours to gear up for the start of the school year, and not making it to the gym to swim as often as usual, I think. 
What I’m looking forward to? Getting things organized. 
Milestones: Baby G is the size of a cantaloupe :)

Emotions: Feeling very blessed.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Week by Week: Week 33

Gonzalito is the size of a pineapple 

Eeee! How has another week passed already?!? We've been enjoying our little pineapple this week. He has a set schedule now. Around 8:00 he really gets moving, and around 10:00 pm he has a little dance party. He plays and wiggles throughout the day, but those are the times that he can consistently be found (and seen) moving around. :) So fun! This week my back started to get a little achey from sitting so much at work (we had training), and from missing a pool day... walking and stretching just doesn't make my body feel the same as after swimming. It is the best! We've been arranging our schedules to go 3x a week, or every other day. It is one of my favorite things, and I think one of Gonzalito's favorite things, too! We have been trying to practice our relaxation techniques and continue reading... and planning for our family to come and be with us through the first few months! We are so fortunate to have loving family who are willing (and excited) to come and help us as we journey into parenthood. We are feeling very blessed!

How Far Along?  33 weeks!

Maternity Clothes? Yessir.

Stretch Marks? No
Sleep? Very good!
Best Moment of the Week? Getting to talk about Gonzalito a lot. Our staff training started, so many of my coworkers who had the summer off have been asking about when he will come and how he is going. It's a lot of fun to chat about! 
Movement? Yep! Love the wiggles.

What I miss? Nothing!

Symptoms: Same as before, with just one addition. I had my first nighttime leg cramps last night. It was very painful, but thankfully didn't last too long after I got up and stretched. I hope there won't be many repeats of that!
What I’m looking forward to? Our next midwife checkup is in the coming week! 
Milestones: Baby G is the size of a pineapple :)

Emotions: Content.

Gonzalito wants to remind everyone to take time and smell the flowers!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Week by Week: Week 32

Gonzalito is the size of a jicama 

This week we had another checkup with our midwife. Baby G is growing right on schedule, and seems to be nice and healthy. He had a strong heartbeat (156), and has been moving nicely every day. And, he seems to be positioned nicely inside, with his head down. Go Gonzalito! We also had a "birth-day" meeting with the midwife practice, where they went through the details of what to expect from them through labor, delivery, and post-partum care. It was great to get information, but overwhelming to think that we are getting closer to that reality! It is making us really be good about practicing all of our exercises, and preparing for Baby's arrival.

How Far Along?  32 weeks!

Maternity Clothes? Yes, or dresses or leggings. I've been very fortunate to not need to buy many things. I was given a few things (thanks, Mom!) and bought a few staples from Goodwill. Other than that, I've been able to use my regular summer clothes!

Stretch Marks? No
Sleep? Very good- I've been sleeping very deeply. I think swimming regularly helps with that a lot.  
Best Moment of the Week? Hearing Gonzalito's heartbeat and feeling him move each day
Movement? Yes! He likes to wiggle around throughout the day. I am pretty sure he has a dance party at some point in the middle of the night, because I have been dreaming about him jumping around... But luckily, I don't wake up! (yet)

What I miss? Nothing!

Symptoms: Nothing new. I haven't had swollen ankles for awhile, and each day is a little different. Some days my back is very sore, and other days it feels fine. Yoga and swimming seem to help a lot with the aches. 
What I’m looking forward to? Continued growth and health!
Milestones: Baby G is the size of a jicama!

Emotions: Anxious and excited!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Week by Week: Week 31

Gonzalito is the size of a coconut

How Far Along?  31 weeks!

Maternity Clothes? Mainly regular dresses and leggings these past couple of weeks. I feel more comfortable using Julian's shirts because mine are consistently riding up and showing off the belly, unless they are extra long or maternity shirts!

Stretch Marks? No
Sleep? Still very good! 
Best Moment of the Week? Feeling Gonzalito's little kicks more constantly throughout the day. Sometimes he goes to town, even in the middle of the night!
Movement? Yes, see above :)

What I miss? Nothing major!

Symptoms: Nothing really new, although lately I haven't been eating as much. I'm not hungry as often as I used to be, and I get uncomfortable if I eat too much, or if I have to sit after eating. I'm running out of room for my stomach!
What I’m looking forward to? Getting everything ready! I want to organize and cook things, but it's still a little early to do more than I have already.. hopefully my motivation and energy will remain over the next month or so!
Milestones: Baby G is the size of a coconut!

Emotions: Very happy.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Week by Week: Week 30

Gonzalito is the size of a large cabbage

Gonzalito keeps growing! We went to a La Leche League meeting this last week, and learned a lot about breastfeeding. I think it will be a wonderful, supportive community to plug into. Gonzalito and I have been swimming a lot, which I think he likes! It is very relaxing to be in the water. Other than that, we are working on getting baby gear together, and organizing our little house! Some big and exciting news from the week is that Tia Moni got her visa, and will be coming this fall to meet Gonzalito and help me at home! We are very blessed to have a lot of family who will be able to travel and meet our little guy.

How Far Along?  30 weeks!

Maternity Clothes? Yes, and dresses.

Stretch Marks? No
Sleep? Still very good, although I had more crazy dreams this last week. 
Best Moment of the Week? Seeing my belly move more and more, and imagining what little Gonzalito is up to inside.
Movement? Yes, and it's more frequent now, which is so fun. Sometimes I get distracted at work, just watching my belly wiggle around.

What I miss? Nothing!

Symptoms: Nothing new... 
What I’m looking forward to? Getting our house together, and getting ready for Baby.
Milestones: Baby G is the size of a large cabbage!

Emotions: Content. :)

Gonzalito likes to sing and dance

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Week by Week: Week 29

Gonzalito is the size of a butternut squash

This last week we had another midwife visit. We met a new midwife, who said everything looked very healthy. She also gave me tips on tweaks I can make to my diet (more protein, less fruit for snacks) to try and keep my weight gain moderate. Although people have been saying I look small for being 7 months pregnant, I have gained enough weight for the "average" gain for the entire pregnancy! The midwife suggested that my metabolism may be thrown off since I was running every day before getting pregnant. So this week I have been trying to focus on protein and dairy, since Gonzalito needs a lot of calcium now (his bones are hardening). We will see in another couple of weeks if it is helping!

How Far Along?  29 weeks!

Maternity Clothes? Yes! But my regular dresses are the best.

Stretch Marks? No
Sleep? Sleep has been very good! Some nights I don't get up, other nights I get up once. 
Best Moment of the Week? We got to hear Gonzalito's heartbeat at the midwife this week. When he moved, the heartbeat increased, which the midwife said was a sign of fetal well-being.
Movement? I feel more, and it is stronger than before. I am also starting to detect a schedule. Gonzalito is the busiest playing around 8-10 ish in the morning, and from 10-11:30 ish in the evening, although he moved around at other times too.

What I miss? Nothing, for now!

Symptoms: Nothing new... 
What I’m looking forward to? We are going to learn more about breastfeeding this week!
Milestones: Baby G is the size of a butternut squash!

Emotions: Happy! Trying to be wise and trust that Baby G is getting all of the nutrition he needs.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Week by Week: Week 28

Welcome to the 3rd trimester! 

Gonzalito is the size of large eggplant

We are now in the 3rd trimester. Even though it's just one week closer to Baby's arrival, the start of the 3rd trimester seems to make things more real. I have started dreaming about Gonzalito arriving! Unfortunately, they are the regular, weird pregnancy dreams in which you dream about misplacing your baby, etc. And they feel so real! It's nice to wake up and feel our little one kicking, and I am reminded that I didn't actually leave my baby on the metro, like I did in the dream. :)

How Far Along?  28 weeks!

Maternity Clothes? Yes!

Stretch Marks? No
Sleep? Still good, although with some crazy dreams!
Best Moment of the Week? Julián got to feel  a lot of kicks this week, which was awesome. Baby and I have been swimming a lot, which I think we both enjoy. And, we celebrated the 4th of July together! It was a week filled with good things. 
Movement? Yes, he has been moving a lot more this week, or at least, I can feel it a lot more!

What I miss? Hmmm... I can't really think of anything!

Symptoms: Not too bad this last week. I haven't been getting a pain in my back like before, which is wonderful. 
What I’m looking forward to? Our next midwife appointment (coming next week), and getting things ready for Gonzalito. We finished one of our registries today, and it was fun to look at the things that our little guy will use. 
Milestones: Baby G is the size of a large eggplant! We are in the 3rd trimester, or the home "stretch" hehe

Emotions: Happy, and looking forward to meeting our little guy!

Happy 4th of July, from the González family!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Week by Week: Week 27

Gonzalito went hiking at Ohiopyle State Park, and visited the iconic Falling Waters Frank Lloyd Wright house

Gonzalito is the size of a head of cauliflower

The last week in our second trimester! I have really enjoyed the energy and belly growth in the second trimester. Starting the third makes me feel anxious, because time is ticking away and we still have a lot of things to do (I think!). But we are enjoying our little Gonzalito as he grows, and are organizing the house and figuring things out little by little :) We celebrated the end of our second trimester, and welcomed in the beginning of the third trimester on a family camping trip in Ohiopyle State Park, PA. It was a quick camping trip, but filled with fun! We cooked over the fire, on grandma and grandpa's old cooking stove, and went on hikes. Dad was very kind and gave up his space in the camper so that I wouldn't have to sleep on the ground. Gonzalito really liked hearing his Mimi, Pop-Pop (? we have to figure out these names), Uncle Bryan and Aunt Laney. :) We will try to make it a yearly trip!

How Far Along?  27 weeks!

Maternity Clothes? Yes!

Stretch Marks? No
Sleep? Pretty good- I slept through the night a few more times.
Best Moment of the Week? Being with family on our camping trip!
Movement? Yes, but some days more than others.

What I miss? When we were hiking, I missed feeling like I could move quickly and with ease. But other than that, nothing!

Symptoms: Same as before... I have a sharp pain in a muscle in my back some days, but that's the only new thing.
What I’m looking forward to? I am looking forward to getting everything ready for Baby G. 
Milestones: Baby G is the size of a head of cauliflower! We are finishing out the second trimester.

Emotions: Happy, but also anxious about time slowly ticking away. There is a lot to prepare, but I know everything will work out. And ready or not, Gonzalito is going to come, and he is going to be loved abundantly!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Week by Week: Week 26

Gonzalito is the size of a scallion

I am savoring our last two weeks in the 2nd trimester! I am starting to get achier and achier this week, so I think that will just keep coming as Baby G keeps growing. We had our 26 week appointment, with blood draws and a glucose test. At the appointment my measurements were back on track, which was a relief to this Mama! We also had our hospital visit, and learned good information about our backup plan. Although we would prefer not to need to go to the hospital to deliver Gonzalito, I feel much better with our options there if we would need to do so.

How Far Along?  26 weeks!

Maternity Clothes? Yep! I've been sticking with dresses this past week. Much more comfy :)

Stretch Marks? No
Sleep? Good! I even slept through the night without getting up 3 times this week
Best Moment of the Week? Hearing Baby's heartbeat at our 26 week appointment. Our midwife said it sounded happy to her. I think so too. :)
Movement? Yes, but it comes and goes, since the placenta is in front and Baby is changing positions. Recently it feels like he is under my ribs on the right, and his little tushy is pressing against my belly!

What I miss? Nothing!

Symptoms: Nothing new- everything is the same as before.
What I’m looking forward to? The results of our glucose screening test- we should find out in a couple of days if I passed, or if I need to take the much longer test to see if I have gestational diabetes.
Milestones: Baby is the length of a scallion- an average of 14 inches and already 1 and 2/3 lb!

Emotions: Very happy. Thinking of how wonderfully made we all are.

Week by Week: Week 25

Gonzalito is the size of a rutabaga

So... our picture for Week 25 is technically one day early (the last day of Week 24) but it still counts, right? :) We ran a Color Run 5k with my lovely coworkers. It was a very laid back 5k- un-timed, and with colored power thrown at everyone. I took it easy and jogged/walked throughout. I think Baby G had a fun time, too!

How Far Along?  25 weeks! 

Maternity Clothes? Yep!

Stretch Marks? Still nothing, but the belly is still growing. We shall  see!
Sleep? Still good, but every night is different. We have a new bedframe now, which somehow makes the bed more comfortable. 
Best Moment of the Week? There were a lot! Julian saw and felt my belly jumping during our birthing class. It is so fun! It doesn't happen every day, but it is happening more and more as time goes on. I also heard that I "popped" from a few people. It's nice that others can see that I'm pregnant a bit better! 
Movement? I am feeling a lot more, as Baby is growing and moving around. Previously I had felt him more on the left side, but he has been kicking more on the right side this week. He was kicking on my hip bone as I laid down to sleep one night, which tickled. :)

What I miss? I can't think of anything specific. It is getting more uncomfortable to bend over, which I keep forgetting.

Symptoms: Nothing new this week. My ankles haven't swollen badly all week. We got the advice to keep them up, add more salt to my diet, and drink lots of water. I have been extra thirsty lately, so that hasn't been hard to do! 
What I’m looking forward to? Movement, and organizing things for Baby to come. We got a dresser for his room this week, and it's fun to continue re-organizing our things to de-clutter our little house.
Milestones: Baby is the size of a rutabaga.... I am not sure what that looks like though. Bigger than an ear of corn, I guess!

Emotions: Happy and relaxed. Enjoying the flutters and kicks of my little one.