Monday, July 23, 2007

welcome, bienvenida, wilkommen

hello all

i have decided to join the blogging world in an attempt to keep people posted on my life while i'm overseas. of course, i want to keep in touch with everyone individually, but if time runs short, this is a convenient way to keep in contact and to share pictures with those that i love.

currently i'm at home with my parents in Sidney, Oh. I hope to travel to Washington DC to see Julian at least once (but crossing my fingers for twice) before i leave for italy. this is the basic plan:

Sept- Dec --- Italy (milan)
Christmas--- back to the US to visit Julian and my family
Jan-March--- Netherlands (gronigen)
April- June--- Germany (potsdam)
July- Nov --- tba (thesis writing: my location will depend on my topic)

then i'll be done! so if you are looking for a place to stay in europe, or for someone to visit, i am available. also, even though i've lived overseas before, it's always been for short periods of time and always with a group of other people. so, if you have any experience/advice, i am open to your opinion.

p.s. i stole the picture from heidi-- i hope she doesn't mind :)