Saturday, October 6, 2007


Part of my plan this weekend was to go into the city, explore it a bit, and find a park to study at. However, the weather report said it would be raining on and off all day, so I decided to find a place closer to campus in order to stay dry. I remembered a nice looking courtyard in one of the buildings here, gathered my homework and headed out.

As I entered the building, I was trying to remember which floor the courtyard was on. There's a library, offices, and many classrooms, as well as cafeterias and cafes so I knew I would have a slightly hard time finding it. A woman called out to me, and pointed to the security guard, who I assume was also yelling at me (I had my ipod on and couldn't hear them very well). He came over to me and started talking very quickly and animately. Our conversation (all in Italian) went something like this:

Security Guard: What are you doing here, why are you here?
Me: I don't speak Italian.
Security Guard: What do you mean, you just spoke Italian?
Me: Ok, a little.
Security Guard: Where are you going?
Me: For studying
** I know my answer doesn't make sense, but I couldn't think of how to describe a courtyard in my limited Italian, and even though I didn't know exactly where I was going, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't like the answer, I don't know.**
Security Guard: You can't study here. The building is closed. This is the weekend, come back on a weekday.
Me: Weekday?
Security Guard: Yes midday. You can't study here. Go somewhere else.
Me: Closed, Saturday?
Security Guard: Yes, the building is closed.
Me: Really?
Security Guard: Yes, go somewhere else. Come back during the week.
Me: Ok

At this point, the security guard had spotted another student, who only wanted to learn, and was tired of continuously explaining to me that I had to go somewhere else. I understood him right off the bat, but part of me refused to believe that the building with the library in it would be closed on a Saturday afternoon.

So, I went and found a bench in the middle of a patch of grass. There is very little grass/green here on campus. But I'm not a fan of all the concrete, so I try to find grass to sit in while I study. After about an hour, it started to rain. So I guess I will try to study again tomorrow.

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