Friday, February 26, 2016

18 weeks!

Sammy playing kazoo for his baby brother!

Gonzalito's handsome profile!

Sammy sharing his toys with baby!

Baby is the size of a bell pepper!

How Far Along?  18 weeks!

Maternity Clothes? Starting to wear the shirts, and some of the "early" maternity pants, that just have a little more give. But, I can still wear my loose, normal clothes.
Sleep? Pretty good! Very vivid and entertaining dreams!
Best Moment of the Week? Seeing baby in the ultrasound at the end of the week! He is a healthy, growing BOY!

Movement? Yes! Feeling more little kicks and movement, especially when I sit down with Julian in the evenings.
What I miss? Nothing!

Symptoms: Still heartburn. The midwife told me to get some tums, just in case. I may have to use them this time around!

What I’m looking forward to? Julian being able to feel Baby kicking. :-)
Milestones: Baby's ears are in the correct position, and now we can tell if baby is a boy or a girl. He didn't hide from us and we saw very clearly that he is a BOY!

Emotions: Happy! I thought it was going to be a girl (everyone in the family, except for Pop, did, too), and I was looking forward to seeing the differences in raising boys and girls. BUT I am SO happy to have another 

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