Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Mr. and Mrs. Gonzalez

Well, a lot has happened in the last week or so. I packed up my belongings, flew back to the US, spent a week doing paperwork and errands, got married, had a 2 day long honeymoon and flew back to Europe. I'm now in my beautiful apartment in Berlin, but sad to be away from my husband.

The wedding was a small civil ceremony on April 4th (our anniversary), which will be followed by a church ceremony next March (09). Everything went pretty smoothly, apart from the fact that neither the bride nor the groom remembered to bring the marriage license along to the court house, which is about 30-45 minutes away from Julian's apartment. He had to drive quickly back to find it, while I waited with friends and family. The ceremony was lovely, with nice words spoken by the officiant and the pastor who did our marriage counseling (early on in the week the pastor gave us an A+ for our preparations!). Afterwards, we went to dinner with everyone there. Here are some pictures of the event!

*getting ready*

*pic with the parents while waiting for Julian to come--so happy they were able to come!*

*saying vows*

*kiss the bride*

*with the friends: Chris, Nereida, Julian, me, Zuzi, Herber*

*the whole group: Chris, dad, mom, Julian, Nereida, me, Anne, Zuzi, Don Thomas, Herber*

*we're so happy*

*now let's eat!*

We also went to the cherry blossom festival in downtown DC, where we ran into some friends (Gio and her husband) and met some others (Zuzi and Herber). Here are some of those photos as well:
*throwing the fallen blossoms in the air*

*near the capitol building*

*me, Herber, and Zuzi with the sakura trees*

1 comment:

Jen Eureka said...

wow youre married!!!!!