Sunday, April 27, 2008

Dresden, Germany

*olha, kristina, olga, and me in dresden!*

My friends and I have discovered a beautiful thing: the happy weekend ticket. For 35 Euros you can travel with 5 others anywhere in Germany, but only on the weekend. This makes it really cheap to travel to nearby German cities, so this weekend we went for the day to Dresden.
I didn't know much about Dresden before we left, other than the fact that it was almost completely destroyed by the Allies in World War II. During the day, I found out that one of my favorite German authors, Eric Kaestner, is also from Dresden. It's a beautiful city, and its art museum houses famous paintings from Italy, Holland, Germany and Spain. Kristina was especially thrilled, because she had always dreamed of seeing one particular painting, the Sistine Madonna by Raphael, and it is located at this gallery-- she got to check one dream off her list!
The only problem with our trip was the time-- it took 3 hours to get there, and we only had 6 hours in the city, so although we saw a lot, there was a lot more to see and explore. But the weather was beautiful and the company was great, so all in all the day was a big success!

*we passed golden fields on the train-- they're weeds, but they're beautiful*

*flowers around the city*

*inside the Kreuzkirche (church of the cross), which was destroyed in 1945*

*altar of the kreuzkirche*

*in front of the rathaus (city hall)-- the statue of a woman is a monument to the women who rebuilt the city after WWII*

*in front of the frauenkirche (women's church) which was also destroyed by the war and only rebuilt in 2005*

*olha, me and kristina by the river in dresden*

*in front of the opera house*

*kristina is so excited to go to the art museum!*

*the Sistine Madonna by Raphael*

*this was my favorite: The Chocolate Girl by Liotard (Kristina surprised me after with a magnet of the painting!)*

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