Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Today I had the privilege of going to the Zeehondencreche, the seal rehabilitation center about 40 minutes outside of Groningen. I went with Leeann (an au pair from PA who I met in Bible study) the two cute kids she watches (Moran and Ot) and her fiance Jimmy. The center finds about 100 seals each year who are in danger, takes them to the center to get them healthy and then releases them back into the wild. At the center, you can see the feeding times, the healthy seals swimming and the sick seals in their quarantined areas. It's very informative and great for kids. The video above is a commercial for the center which is shown on Dutch tv. It was fantastic to be outside of Groningen for a bit, the seals were wonderful, the story was touching and the company was fun! It was a nice day.


*Moran playing on the wooden seal*

*Ot with the giant stuffed seal*

*waiting for the seals to swim past*

*seals outside in the rain*

*a seal is a perfect diving boat*

*Moran and me standing in the wooden waves*

*even Barbie wants to save the seals*

*scientists saving seals*

1 comment:

Caroljean said...

Looks like a lovely day! What cute kids! Ot with the seal & the wooden waves are my favs. Taz says HE wants to watch the seals too!