During the midst of our quarter here, there is the Introduction Week for new international students, hosted by the exchange student network (ESN). The week consists of free dinners, museum visits, workshops, movies and a tour of the city. All of the students were broken up into groups who we do the activites with, so that we can make good friends, and my group consists mainly of girls and a team of 2 dutch brothers who are leading us around and introducing us to Groningen life.
So far, we've gotten a tour of the city, visits to pubs, dinner, a visit to the art museum, quality time shopping in the Vismarkt (fish market) and more. It's a wonderful chance to get to know Groningen and new people, although I can't go to everything since I have to work on projects and study.
Here are some of the photos so far:
*My ESN intro week group, all wearing fake mustaches*
*Kristina and I are in the same "mustache" group. The mustaches are paper cut-outs from postcards give out for free in pubs*
*Bas and Thomas, real-life brothers and our intro week guides*
*The museum of art in Groningen*
*one of the large exhibits was on Russian fairytale art*
*one of my favorites in the museum*
*after the museum, eating raw herring (a dutch tradition) in the vismarkt*
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