Saturday, April 16, 2016

Weeks 24 and 25

Whoops - forgot to do Week 24! It was Easter week!

Happy Easter! 24 weeks

Walking in the woods, eating the "snacks" Sammy is sharing. 24 weeks!

Baby is the size of an ear of corn - 24 weeks

25 weeks! Sammy loves chapstick, haha

25 weeks

Baby is the size of a rutabaga

How Far Along?  25 weeks!

Maternity Clothes? Yes! Or, my "big" jeans with a rubber band to hold them shut. I wish the weather would warm up! I need a better pair of maternity pants because right now I don't have any that fit me comfortably, other than yoga pants. I can only get away with those at home or on quick trips to the store! 
Sleep? Actually, very good recently! 
Best Moment of the Week? Papito came! He is making magic happen in our basement. It's great to have him here, and great to know that our house will be more ready for baby! Also, we celebrated our 8 year anniversary!

Movement? Yep, every day! I am loving some of the bigger movements!
What I miss? Nothing.

Symptoms: Nothing new, and I think I'm getting more used to the heartburn. My back gets a little sore now if I overdo it, so I'm trying to be more careful. Also getting a little more tired!

What I’m looking forward to? Sammy feeling a kick. He says he has felt it sometimes but I'm not really sure.
Milestones: Baby is getting some fat under his skin! And growing hair!

Emotions: Happy :-)

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