Monday, January 5, 2009

I'm employed!

*Julian took me out to dinner after my second interview, when I was unofficially offered the job!*

I got a job!! I received a call on Christmas Eve, offering me (officially) the position of English Language Acquisition Manager for a few preschools. I happily accepted and thanked God for my Christmas present (in fact, I had been praying that I would have a job by Christmas-- perfect timing, as usual!!).

So, now I'll be working for Apple Tree Institute (to go to the website, click here), a non-profit organization geared at improving education for all. I'll be working with the early literacy programs in four preschools sponsored by this organization, and will be helping parents and teachers figure out the language aspect of learning and literacy so that all of the children will be ready for kindergarten. I love the premise of Apple Tree-- instead of trying to remedy the academic gap which exists for underprivileged kids, some African-American kids and bilingual kids, they want to prevent it from starting through early intervention.

Although I'm really excited about the job, I start on Monday and now instead of the excitement bug, I'm getting the nervous kind-of-want-to-throw-up bug. I know deep down that it'll probably be ok, that the first day is always nerve-wracking, but I just want to already be at the point where I'm used to having a job and I know what I'm doing. I think it'll take some time though..... Pray for me on Monday please!!

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