Sunday, February 28, 2010

*Home Sweet Home*

*our new home, the left side of the duplex!!*

After about year of searching for houses, we finally found one that we loved and had been waiting a couple of months to see if our offer was accepted. In January we found out it was, and the fight began! Julian fought with everyone involved in the process to keep them from adding "junk" fees, and he was extremely successful. The Lord blessed us a LOT by lowering the price considerably, a wonderful blessing and surprise!!

This weekend, we finalized the sale!! It is taking awhile to sink in, since we're not moving for another month, but we're very excited to be homeowners. Now comes more work to fix up the house and make it into a lovely home!

Come visit!!


(Tia's) Comfy Place said...

Congrats on the new home! How exciting for you guys!!!

Caroljean said...

Love this post! can't wait to see the inside and help spruce it up! You don't want ppl to know the new address?

Kooks said...

I'm SO happy for you both! Lovely place!!! The kitchen looks a bit European somehow...reminds me of Berlin :) And I LOVE your colors and your living room! Oh and I love you! hihi.