Sunday, July 20, 2008


*EMCLers + professors*

As an end of the year celebration, our coordinators organized a barbeque for the EMCL students and professors. It was held lakeside, at a boat house, and we all brought delicious food from our home countries. One of the most special memories was a boat trip-- we all got in a canoe and rowed together while a rowing instructor beat the drum. We laughed so much, some sang, and we all savored the sun setting while out on the water together. It was a great night, but bittersweet, as many of us won't see each other again until our conference in Greece. We've all gone through so much together-- classes, moving from country to country, traveling, planning a thesis, going through red tape, etc. We've all been reflecting on how incredibly blessed we have been to study and travel together, and in such fantastic locations. It was a wonderful celebration, and we're all really looking forward to our time together in Thessaloniki in a few months!

*me, Anitha and Mixaela's sister Sula*

*Daria and Olga*

*Yifei in the picnic area*

*me, Daria, Kristina*

*most of the girls, it's a bit sunny*

*me, Dr. Obler (one of my thesis supervisors), Daria and Mixaela*

*Professors: Loraine Obler, Dorit Ravid, Barabara Hoehle, Ria de Bleser and Shyamala Chengappa*

*Dr. De Bleser opening a thank you card from the group*

*getting into our canoe... *

*rowing (mostly) together*

*following the drum*

*making it around the lake made me feel tough*

*"american barbeque mallows" (according to the bag)-- they tasted the same, but they lost their shape and melted once they were warm*

*Anitha is teaching me Indian dancing*

*practicing Greek dancing for the fall*

*beautiful sunset, beautiful night*

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