Tuesday, January 15, 2008


*doesn't it look fun*

Today was the first day of classes here in Groningen. We've only had 2 of 3 so far, but they look promising. They both carry a fairly heavy work load, but it's distributed evenly over 11 weeks, so hopefully it won't be so bad. Here is the problem: in an abstract sense, I think they work sounds ok, even interesting/exciting. But, in reality, I don't feel like doing my homework. I've read one page out of 2 journal articles and lost my motivation. I bought a nice blanket today, so instead I want to curl up in the fluffy, soft, cushiony-goodness and read my book, not an article on aphasia and verbs. I need the study bug to bite me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Leah! I bookmarked your blog ages ago, and I keep checking it now and then, but I haven't in awhile, and I just read the engagement post today! Congratulations! I hope you are well and that your time in the Netherlands is awesome, and I will say a prayer for you and Julian :-)

Carolyn from Bible study a thousand years ago :-)