Thursday, November 15, 2007


The EMCL program here in Italy has thrown all of the students for a loop in giving us separate schedules for each month. The first month we had 3 classes, and the second, we had the same 3 plus 3 more. Now the classes are overlapping, two are finishing and one more has yet to begin. This makes for a very hectic schedule. Mon-Thurs, classes are held from 8:30 or 10:30 in the morning until 4:30 or 6:30 (usually). Sometimes we get a break in between, but on Mondays and Tuesdays we plow straight through. This is the last week of such a busy schedule, but that means that final exams for the classes that are finishing are coming-- soon.
Even with the crazy schedule, I have more free time here than I ever did in Athens. It's strange to come home from class and have the entire night to do homework, read, email, talk, cook, etc. So there is a strange balance (for me) between the busy-ness of the classes and the relaxing evenings.
I only have a little over a month left in Italy, and I feel like I don't know the city of Milano very well. Our campus is far away from the city center, and since we travel on the weekends, I haven't been around the downtown area very often. I'm hoping to change that now that I have money and a bus pass. If only my professors understood that I have things to buy and places to see!

Every week there is a "country of the week" for the international students. The various clubs around Milano have country theme nights when international students get in free. My classmates and I like Old Fashion, because in addition to free entrance, there is free food and a performance based on the culture of the theme country. Last week the theme country was---- USA! I went with my fellow American (originally from Ukraine) to snag a brownie (which was advertised in the flier and was NOT available). The food was horrible-- hamburgers, hot dogs and the elusive brownies. However, the Italian versions of these American staples were even worse. The hamburger was a greasy half-patty. That's it. No bun, no nothing, just half of a congealed hamburger patty. The hot dog was also cut in half, and pre-placed in the buns. Any American knows that the hot dogs should be kept separately from the buns until just before serving, otherwise the hot dog will be cold. There were no brownies, but some sort of white cake with cherries. French fries were also served, but this is a pretty international dish. America was not well represented, culinarily speaking. Of course, in addition to the country themed food, there is always an Italian buffet with tomato-mozzarella salad and pasta, which is always delicious.
*We're holding a paper that is advertising USA-week. we took a much cuter picture later next to the USA poster in the club, but I accidentally deleted it...*

*Olga eating "American" fries*

*me and my cold hot dog*

The performance was break dancing, which was very entertaining. All in all, the Old Fashion excursion was a disappointment for the dinner, but an excellent evening for a break dancing show.

*break dancer 1*

*break dancer 2*

*break dancer 3*


leah v said...

ps. i'm a bad friend, and you're a good one.

salĂ­ de los papers finales.


i got your postcards and i love you. i haven't read your blog yet, or, *embarressed cough, your email from a while ago...but i'm posting to say i love you. and thank you for being a friend. and you will hear from me soooooooooooon.
un besote

mome said...

Hey Leah, Thanks for sharing your trip with us... I am very proud of you.. I know your mom misses you.
She is teaching Mike guirter so she will be getting an extra pair of angle wings. Nat says hi can't wait to see you how is your love life? Keep us up to date I do love seeing all of the pictures...